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Environmental Services

Our environmental department provides environmental site assessments (phase I, II, & III), environmental screening investigations, spill prevention control and countermeasure plans, underground storage tank closure assessments, UST expanded assessment plans and assessment plan implementation, corrective action planning, hydro geological investigations, and hazardous building materials surveys for industries, commercial businesses and land developers. Additionally, we are currently performing environmental consulting services for local, state, and regional financial institutions

Phase I Environmental Site Assessment

The purpose of such an investigation and evaluation would be to research all reasonably obtainable data concerning the current and past uses of a subject property and adjacent properties which could impact the subject, in order to assess the subject property's potential for being contaminated by hazardous materials as defined by federal, state and local laws and regulations. In keeping with the currently accepted practices and ASTM 1527-00 standards for "Phase I' Environmental Assessments, our typical site assessment consists of a review of each of the following sources of information concerning the site's current condition, and both current and previous ownership and use:

1.  Recorded "chain of title" documents regarding the subject property including reasonably obtainable deeds, easements, leases, restrictions, and covenants for a period of at least 50 years.

2.  Based upon information obtained in Item 1, transcripts or statements of interviews with current and past owners, tenants, employees, neighbors, or any other persons familiar with the current and/or historical usage of the subject property.

3.  Reasonably obtainable / accessible federal, state, and local records of sites or facilities where there has been a documented release of hazardous substances which could cause or contribute to environmental impairment of the subject property. This shall include determination of the existence of recorded environmental cleanup liens against the subject site and other sites in the vicinity which have arisen pursuant to federal, state, or local statutes.

4.  Aerial photographs and historical maps which may reflect prior uses of the site and which are reasonably obtainable through state or local government agencies.

5.  A visual inspection of the site and any existing structures and improvements by engineers, geologists, and/or industrial hygiene professionals, including an investigation of immediately adjacent properties when accessible.


It has been our experience that the information provided by items 1 through 5 above, if all favorable, has been satisfactory evidence to fulfill the requirements of a "Phase I' Environmental Assessment. However, given the past usage of the subject property, we sometime suggest that a supplemental subsurface soil investigation be conducted and incorporated into our assessment to determine if past leaks or spills of petroleum products have adversely affected the property. This limited subsurface investigation would include hand auger borings in suspect areas advanced down to the ground water interface. We then perform a field screen the soil samples to determine if petroleum hydrocarbon vapors are present, presenting a potential problem for the Owner or potential purchaser.

Soil and Groundwater Contamination / Re-mediation Studies

Typically, when "Phase I' Environmental Site Assessments identify a potential for environmental impairment, expanded assessments of soil and/or ground water quality are warranted. These assessments are designed to determine the extent and severity of contamination. This can involve installation of ground water monitoring wells, conducting hydrology studies to determine the velocity and direction of flow of the contaminant plume, sensitive receptor surveys, and grid-pattern soil sampling and analyses. Once the extent and severity has been determined, corrective action plans can be developed and submitted to appropriate regulatory agencies. Coastal has worked closely with regulatory officials to develop workable, cost-effective remediation of contaminated sites. Our expertise in this area includes petroleum hydrocarbon contaminants, primary pollutant heavy metals contamination, and pesticide contamination.

Underground Storage Tank Consulting

 Coastal Engineering and Testing has been active in the field of underground storage tank consulting since 1985. Since that time, we have provided engineering services to dozens of clients performing such services as preliminary contamination assessments, site closure assessments, supervision of tank removals, storage tank tightness testing, expanded assessment planning, corrective action plan development, and site remediation. We work closely with regulatory officials to insure that these investigations meet state and federal requirements. Under the State Underground Petroleum Emergency Response Bank Act of 1986 (SUPERB), most of the costs associated with site remediation can be reimbursed to the site owner.


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